Wednesday, January 28, 2009

You can't be serious...

JANUARY 8: Only government can provide the short-term boost necessary to lift us from a recession this deep and severe. Only government can break the cycle that are (sic -- is) crippling our economy. That's why we need to act boldly and act now, to reverse these cycles. That's why we need to restart the flow of credit and restore the rules of the road that will ensure a crisis like this never happens again.
-Barack Obama
Fact check: from 5:26)

20 days...i repeat...20 DAYS later...

OBAMA JANUARY 28: In the end, the answer to our economic troubles rests less in my hands or in the hands of our legislators than it does with America's workers and the businesses that employ them. They are the ones whose efforts and ideas will determine our economic destiny just as they always have, for in the end it's businesses -- large and small -- that generate the jobs, provide the salaries, and serve as the foundation on which the American people's lives and dreams depend.
-Barack Obama
Fact check: with 50 seconds left)

Ok guys, now this is scary. One day, Obama says that ONLY GOVERNMENT will end our economic troubles on January 8th...ONLY GOVERNMENT.

20 days later, guys. Thats not even three weeks later. He says that only the workers and businesses(not government) will end our financial crisis.

Confused? So am I! Well which one is it Barack?? This just proves that our president has no idea how to end this crisis. His great speaking skills covered up his inability. But now, you all have proof. Our president is as two faced as Harvey Dent(Batman Villain)

Those of you that say, "This is no big deal. Who cares which one it is." You guys are crazy. When you say that government is the answer, that means that government spending( Obama's stimulus package) will end the recession. When you say that its in the hands of the workers, that means government cuts taxes and gets the hell out of peoples way.

These are two completely different concepts people!YOU CANT HAVE BOTH. Those of you that say we can, more power to you. BUT, explain to me how you can spend 900 BILLION dollars AND cut taxes? Doesnt make sense does it? The 900 Billion dollar stim. package will raise the national deficit. How will they lower that deficit? RAISING TAXES! That means all of you will have to pay higher taxes, just so that you could get a stimulus check for a measly 1000 dollars or so. Might as well save that stimulus check for when they raise taxes.You will definitely need it.

Its not that hard to fix our economic problem guys. The answers to our problems...cut taxes for businesses AND corporations.

Nobody supports giving tax cuts to big companies...Why not? Those companies create jobs! They allow people to work for them, so that those people may make a living. Therefore, those employees SPEND MONEY. When people HAVE money to spend, THEY SPEND IT. Plus, its good for the future. People will continue to have disposable income if their companies have a tax cuts and more money to spend on employees.

People spending=A stimulated economy

Its not that difficult of a concept. Hopefully now you understand that cutting taxes is what stimulates the economy.Obama's 900 billion dollar stimulus package doesnt. Its just a band aid that we all will have to pay dearly for in years to come

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