Thursday, January 22, 2009

Something to keep in mind for the next 4 years...

On January 20th, we inaugurated Barack Obama into the White House as the first black president. Wow! The first black president! Thats great and all, but i got over that around novemberish, when he was elected. Yes, I'm proud to have a black presdient. Its proof that race and color means nothing anymore...or does it? Its kind of weird when you say that skin color means nothing, but then you spend 160 million dollars on an inauguration, just because our president is black. Sounds like a double standard to me. The fact of the matter is, race is what you make of it. I personally believe that race and skin color means NOTHING. Therefore, I dont care if Obama is black, brown, orange, yelow or polka dot. I dont make a big deal of it. When it comes to my president, I care about policies. Now i dont agree with alot of Barack's policies, but I can agree with some...but thats a story for a different blog.

I read an article in the Wall Street Journal. It was written by Juan Williams. Warning! He is a Fox News contributor, and I know alot of closed minded people will stop reading from this point forward. However, HE IS AFRICAN AMERICAN. And nowadays it seems that people will give him a little bit more credibility than if he were white writing this. Anyways, he said something pretty enlightening that we should all keep in mind during the Obama presidency.

" If his presidency is to represent the full power of the idea that black Americans are just like everyone else- fully human and fully capable of intellect, courage, and patriotism- then Barack Obama has to be subject to the same rough and tumble of political criticism experienced by other presidents. To treat the first black president as if he were a fragile flower is certain to hobble him. It is also to waste a tremendous opportunity for improving race relations by doing away with stereotypes and seeing the potential in al Americans."

Williams is saying that we can't put Obama on this pedestal that allows him to do no wrong. You cant worship Obama. He is not a God or a savior. When you begin to ignore his shortcomings and fail to criticize him when needed, just because he is our first black president, you are being racist. I feel that this was the problem during the election. The media built him up to be this guy that could do no wrong. Then gullible people who were too lazy to do research just voted for him. But again... thats a topic for a different blog.

Rivera went on to write " It also leads to treating all criticism of Mr. Obama, whether legitimate, wrong headed, or even mean spirited, as racist. This is patronizing. WORSE, IT CARRIES AN IMPLICIT PRESUMPTION OF INFERIORITY."

Williams is absolutely right here. By saying that any criticism of Barack Obama is RACIST, you automatically admit his inferiority. You are saying that somebody pointed out his shortcoming, just because he is black. People dont understand that pulling the "race card" is a racist move in itself. Its like admitting that you are lower than somebody because of something minor like skin color, and then using that against them. It reperesents the double standard of alot of people's actions

So for the next 4 years, lets give the president his credit when credit is due. But dont be afraid to voice your opinion when you dont like what he does. If you dont believe that color should dictate how a person is percieved, then open your eyes and do your research on the ISSUES AND POLICIES.

One last note...Dont worship Obama, dont strive to be better for Obama, dont ask for free handouts from Obama. Last time an entire nation worshiped one man...ADOLF HITLER. I know you all know how disgusting that was. YOU control your destiny, NOT Barack Obama. Just work hard and earn yourself a great life...dont ask Barack Obama to give it to you.

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