Thursday, January 22, 2009

Too early to tell what will happen in Guantanamo

Today President Obama signed the orders to shut down Guantanamo Bay within a year's time. I have mixed feelings about this. We all know that eventually Guantanamo had to be shut down. However, before you make that decision, you have to consider one thing...where do you send the detainees that are a high threat? Remember guys, these are TERRORISTS. You cant have them stand trial, find a loophole in the system, and have them thrown back into the streets...Thats how terrorist attacks happen. If you do your research, it was Bush's intention to shut down Guantanamo Bay one day. What stopped him from doing it was the uncertainty of where to send these prisoners...Its not an easy decision. I just hope that Barack doesnt underestimate the dfficult task of sending these guys elsewhere. I must say I think he is underestimating it. However, I agree with some things that he did here.

Before I get into that though, I want to talk to the people that think the treatment is too harsh at Guantanamo...You guys seem to forget that these guys were caught by secret CIA hideouts from around the world. They were caught because they were terorists, some on a larger scale than others. Anyways, these TERRORISTS have been trained to hate America. Its not really in their Koran, however, the extremists will say that it is. These guys were trained NOT to give out information to the Americans. So what do you do in that situation? Extreme interrogation! You almost have to torture these guys to get them to talk so that we can keep our country safe by using the intelligence they have given us. Its a major part of what has kept us from being hit by terrorists since 9/11. Dont tell me that its immoral. These guys killing Americans is immoral...They deserve every bit of punishment that they get.

Now back to Obama's decision here. I still think hes taking the evacuation of these detainees too lightly. But I have to admit that I feel bad for our president. I dont think he really wanted Guantanamo to be shut down. He just had to make good with his liberal counterparts, who have wanted this for years. But in the end, it's Obama's decision. Whatever happens with Guantanamo will be on Barack Obama's hands...its his signature of the peice of legislation.

In Obama's defense though, I really like the move that he made to put a silver lining in this cloud. Part of the order that he signed today says that interrogation will ONLY BE ACCORDING TO THE ARMY MANUAL. The army manual techniques simply will not work to get these terrosrists to talk. However, Obama's admin. is working on changing the interrogation techniques in the manual, so that they will be tougher and more effective. I have to say that I agree with Obama's decision to make these loopholes.

However, you can say that interrogation will change in Guantanamo all you want, but it wont really matter if Guantanamo shuts down...Overall, I think this decision was too quick and could earn us another terrorist attack if not executed properly. We made the mistake of taking these guys too lightly before 9/11...lets not make that same mistake again.

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