Friday, March 20, 2009

Something that has been getting under my skin

We all know California isn't doing too well these days. The approximate deficit is at $41 billion, and budget cuts are lurking in every corner.
The thing that has really ticked me off is that people are so blind as to whom to blame. All I hear ALL THE TIME is that it's all Arnold and the Repulicans' fault. Arnold and the Republicans ruined California, Arnold and the Republicans ruined education, Arnold and the Republicans ruined the economy.Once again, the citizens refuse to do their I have to do it for them.

State legislators, NOT ARNOLD, are the ones who ultimately decide how much money is spent
by the state. They are the ones who have decided to spend California into oblivion. Guess what political party makes up the majority of the state Legislature.Democrats!
51 democrats
29 republicans
That is the breakdown of the state legislature...So in a way, California is RUN by Democrats.

Now I'm not saying that Arnold is completely innocent. He had the choice to veto every single piece of crap that the legisllators threw at him, but he didn't.So he does share the blame, but it's not all his fault.

The Democrat-filled state legislature shares alot of the blame.But do you hear people say that Democrats share the blame?Nope. Everyone just hates the Republicans so much that they are always blamed for everything.

So next time you decide to blame Republicans for all of California's problems, remember who REALLY runs this state. Then be fair in deciding who to blame.

I wrote this because it kills me to see my fellow Californians being so ignorant and narrow minded. I'm not asking you to roast your own political party, but I'm asking you to put your politics aside, do your research, and dont make ignorant statements that blame the other side.

Because truth be told, both parties are to blame.

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