Friday, April 3, 2009

Foreign Relations...

I always hear about how Geroge W. Bush made the world hate us.
I say "who cares?" We should't apologize for being a superpower in the world. People are so concerned with what the world thinks about us...All I have to say about this is that people are idiots. We do have allies in the world, and they have our backs...Thats why we call them "allies."
But to try and get enemies to like us is a lost cause when you do it the wrong way...and we are seeing the effects of that as we speak.

When weak minded individuals from the U.S deal with the world, we end up looking like little sissies at the end of the process. Sure some of them start to like us, as we saw today. President Obama, at a town hall meeting in France, said that America doesnt torture, thats why he ordered the closing of Guantanamo. I also saw the people at the townhall meeting cheer and clap at those remarks by the president.
So yeah, the French people and the others who opposed Guantanamo like us a little bit more.
But now we have terrorists who wil be let loose into the world, where they can continue their lifestyles of hate towards America...but thats enough of Guantanamo, you already know how I feel about that.

Obama sent a video message to the people and leaders of Iran a couple weeks ago. He said he wants to work together because we have the same interests. Here is the transcript...

Working toether with Iran is NOT possible guys. And playing buddy buddy with them will NOT change what they want to do with their nuclear weapons. Their president Ahmedinejad wants to bomb Israel off the face of the Earth. Thats what they want to do. Playing nice with him wont change that, giving him money wont change that, giving him all the hot women in the world wont change that. WE DO NOT SHARE THE SAME INTERESTS WITH IRAN, unles you think Isral should be wiped off the face of the Earth...

Obama is weak,ignorant, and foolish when it comes to foreign policy. He has this idea that the world needs to fall in love with us. As a superpower, it doesnt work that way guys. Sometimes we have to be the bad guy to keep the peace. This is something that people arent willing to accept, and I just dont understand it. Just because Obama sends a nice message to Iran doesnt mean they are going to love us. It means that we are showing weakness by appeasing other leaders, who arent the most stable individuals on the planet.

Remember the last time the world appeased a tyrant who wanted to kill an entire race? Hitler!

Obama trying to achieve this just shows that he has no idea how things work. I know he promised change, but this is just foolish. Atleast George Bush kept everyone safe, even if the world wasnt too fond of us after. Its kind of like life guys, not everyone is gonna love you, but you have to keep on doing what you think is best.

Now I'm not completely condoning the Iraq war, but I'll leave that as a teaser for my next blog...

To also prove my point that the huggy kissy relationship with the rest of the world doesnt work, all I have to do is direct you to the biggest story in the news today...
We all know of North Koreas missile that will be launched any second(if it hasnt already based on when you read this) But for you ignorant people that I love so much, here is a link to the story...

Now, going back to the point before, this North Korean missile is a perfect example that playing nice doesnt work...
North Korea has nuclear capability and long range capability. How did Korea get such weapons? You can thank Bill Clinton for that one. Yes, Bill Clinton, who some people think is the best president ever(which I will also adress in a later blog)

Clinton was just like Obama. He thought playing tea party with the world would make us all friends. He thought selling North Korea weapon technology was going to be a kind gesture. Clinton basically said that he wants our countries to be friends, so I'll give you this technology, but only a small amount of it. Now look what happens, Korea built on this new technology, and now has nuclear capability, which they have refused to give up, no matter how much the U.N has told them to.

So now it is Obama's problem to deal with...and how has he responded so far? Well, take a guess based on his actions so far...WEAK!

He issued a "stern warning."
He basically said hey!dont do that!
Wow Mr. President, way to step up there.

So hopefully after reading this, people can understand what George Bush tried to accomplish during his presidency. He was actually looking for peace. He had the guts to protect America(which was his job) even though some countires didnt like it(and they werent gonna like us anyway) Even though I dont agree with plenty of the things that Bush did, atleast he was smart enough to step up...

And thats something that a mere "stern warning" will never do...

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